Advisory Committee
At the heart of our caregiving program lies the Caregiver To You Advisory Committee, who stays connected to provide advice and recommendations to our administrative team. The committee is comprised of local clinicians, caregivers, and community members who know what it means to provide care.
The committee was formed with four goals:
- To review the policies and practices of the Caregiver To You Home Care program in a way that provides professional guidance and insight
- To recommend training opportunities for Caregiver To You staff, based on current issues within the company
- To provide community resources for expanding the Caregiver To You Home Care Program, including referral recommendations and marketing insight
- To demonstrate the company’s commitment to community involvement, self-examination, and upholding professional values and opinions
Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Meet the Advisory Committee

Alondra Carrillo, RN

Alondra Carrillo, RN
Alondra Carrillo, RN is Assistant Director of Nursing at one of Modesto’s finest convalescent and rehabilitation hospitals. Highly experienced with aging and elder care, Alondra brings a special understanding of the needs of our clients and those who care for them.

April Kroeze, RN

April Kroeze, RN
April Kroeze, RN has worked at Memorial Medical Center for more than 18 years! Currently an Interim Assistant Department Manager, April’s department is the designated COVID unit, so she brings a special understanding of how to adapt to care in a post-COVID setting.

Cheryl Schrock

Cheryl Schrock
Cheryl Schrock works for the Alzheimer’s Association’s Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter. Her personal and professional experience with Alzheimer’s Disease and her knowledge of the resources available to families in need make her an invaluable member of the team!

Crystal Tredway

Crystal Tredway
Crystal Tredway is also a representative of the Alzheimer’s Association. Crystal studied Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State, where she learned about biological, psychological, and social development across the life span, and the structuring and functioning of families. This field of study seems custom-built to address our needs!

Courtney Smallwood, MA

Courtney Smallwood, MA
Courtney Smallwood, MA is a family Caregiver to her grandparents, and has experience as a paid Caregiver with a home care organization. This gives her an excellent perspective on both the needs of our families and the needs of our Caregivers.

Elizabeth Murphy, RN

Elizabeth Murphy, RN
Elizabeth Murphy, RN is a diabetes educator who works for Stanford Medicine’s Project ECHO diabetes program and IPM Medical Group, providing Pain Management solutions to those who need it most. Highly involved in the community, Elizabeth wants to help us build a program that truly meets the specific needs of its clients.

Jenessa Bell, MCC

Jenessa Bell, MCC
Jenessa Bell, MCC is Clinical Social Worker in Modesto. As such, it’s her job to identify and solve problems to strengthen the functioning and quality of life of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Her perspective on the committee is invaluable.

Joan Neitzel, NP

Joan Neitzel, NP
Joan Neitzel, NP moved to Oakdale from Hayward after her retirement from nursing in 2014. She was in nursing for 55 years, first as a Registered Nurse, then as a Public Health Nurse, and finally as a Nurse Practitioner. She recently made her way Oakdale to be closer to family and improve her own ability to age in-place.

Linda Lowe, MPA

Linda Lowe, MPA
Linda Lowe, MPA recently retired from the position of Staff Services Coordinator/Planner for the Stanislaus County Department of Aging & Veterans Services, Area Agency on Aging Division. Having served the needs of the community for more than 18 years, her extensive knowledge of local programs and services makes her particularly capable at connecting people with the resources they need.

Taya Matthews

Taya Matthews
Taya Matthews has been a Health Educator since 2006. Passionate about both health and education, Taya’s advice is especially helpful when it comes to examining the training materials and resources that we use to build Caregiver competency.

Tia Utke

Tia Utke
Tia Utke has been a professional Caregiver for 15 years in just about every capacity. She’s been a private duty Caregiver, worked for other care agencies and county programs, and even a full-time family Caregiver providing palliative care to her father, and later to her brother. Tia has intimate experience with the caregiving process, and is passionate about improving the entire industry for everyone’s sake.
We listen to the needs of our caregivers through regular meetings and support calls
We listen to the needs of our clients through regular assessments and follow-ups
We listen to the needs of the community through community engagement
We listen to the opinions of multidisciplinary experts through our advisory committee