Home Care Handyman

Caregiver To You partners with local professionals to provide our exclusive Home Care Handyman services, where we send trusted specialists to take care of minor home projects, or licensed contractors to deal with major or specific problems.


Maybe there’s a cracked tile that needs to be replaced, or a new appliance that needs installation. Maybe the air conditioner suddenly stopped working. If you’re not in the area, or don’t have time to look through the ratings of every professional in town, we’re here to help. And we won’t let anyone take advantage of you or your loved one.

Home Care Handyman Services are contracted, which means that you’re getting professional work done by individuals who we trust and who guarantee their work. It also means that the person doing repairs is NOT a registered Caregiver, so we will generally want to make sure that a Caregiver or trusted friend or family member is present during the work.

Tele-Visit Options exist for Medication Assistance, which means that a full in-person care visit may not always be necessary.